Electro-Chemo-Mechanics Lab
Battery Sustainability LabÂ
Room 251, Kostas Research Institute, on the Innovation Campus of Northeastern Univ. in Burlington
Mechanics Lab
In the Maker's Space of Building 5 on the Burlington Campus
Instron 8802 Hydraulic Bi-axial machine
Instron Dynatup 9250 Impact Tester & MTS Universal Test Machine
List of Key Equipment
MTS Universal Testing System 5944 (200 N load cell, 2 kN load cell)
Instron Dynatup 9250 Impact Tester
Instron 8802 Hydraulic Bi-axial Machine (Horizontal: 50 kN, Vertical: 100 kN)
4 Channel Battery Analyzer (60mA-30A, 5V) with Temperature & DCR Measurement
Dell PRECISION 7920 Workstation
VIC 3D Digital Image Correlation System with Two Cameras
VIC 3D Digital Image Correlation System (Micro-Scale Resolution) with an IR Camera
High-Speed Camera (with DIC System)
M. Braun Dual-User Glovebox System with Vacuum Convection Ovens and Vacuum Filtration Pump
Hydraulic Crimper for All Types of Coin Cells
Autolab PGSTAT302N potentiostat/galvanostat
Being updated